Diagnosing Your Condition

Searching for a diagnosis on your pain condition, want to know the details surrounding your debilitating pain problems, what damage has been done on a physiological level and what’s ahead in terms of finding relief? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, you are not alone. Listed below are a few questions that will aid in pain assessment. Patients want to know more about their own health status as well as the modern diagnostic technology used at our pain management center. Here are the basics of our diagnostic process, and the formulation of how our physicians build an individualized treatment plan:

  • When did your pain start?

  • How did your pain start?

  • What does your pain feel like?

  • At what level is your pain from 0-10?

  • What decreases your pain?

  • Do you have any numbness or weakness?

  • Does your pain wake you up at night or keep you from falling asleep?

  • How often does your pain occur?

  • What increases your pain?

Helping Your Live a Normal, Pain-Free Life

It can be difficult to establish an accurate pain diagnosis as everyone feels pain differently and often the location of one’s pain is not indicative of where it derives. However, the correct treatment for any pain condition is utterly dependent on getting the right diagnosis first. With that being said, it is essential for you to be open and honest with our pain management physicians on the aforementioned items so that our pain management center is able to help you find relief from acute, severe, or chronic long-term pain. The aim of our pain management center is to provide you with treatment options to place you in better control of the conditions causing your pain so that you are able to enjoy life.

Request an Appointment

Schedule an appointment today by calling our Pain Center in Allentown at (610) 366-9000.